This gives an insight into what services are connected to the Australian Access Federation and how they are connected.
Access to service providers requires either an institutional login through an identity provider or a virtual home account provider by the Australian Access Federation or an institutional which you are currently affiliated. If you currently do not have access or would like access please contact your organisational or identity provider administrator.
Service Providers can connect their service/s via the AAF. To ensure you are viewing the latest catalogue of connected services, please view it here: Service Catalogue
Please note: not all services are viewable due to privacy reasons. Contact your local administrator or identity provider for more information about the particular service which are available to you. If you know of a service you would like to join, please find more information about joining that service through your affiliation or organisation.
Services are primarily access by organisational institutions within Australia and through the eduGAIN project. If you are connected through eduGAIN and would like to access an Australian based service, please contact the administrator for the organisation you are affiliated too.
Service Catalogue