
The AAF supports OpenID Connect (OIDC) connectivity and operates an OpenID Provider (OP) which authenticates users who have an account at any AAF subscriber Identity Provider (IdP). This service is a production choice available to AAF subscribers to connect their OIDC services to the Federation. This is an maturing service and at this stage only supports a subset of attributes/claims (for attribute requirements outside this range, please contact the AAF to discuss). 


To get started, visit

- for the Test federation

- for the Production federation

Attributes / Claims

These are the attributes/claims Central can provide to an RP currently:

Supported ScopesClaims
openidReturns the sub claim, which uniquely identifies the user. In an ID Token, iss, aud, exp, iat, and at_hash claims will also be present.
profileReturns claims that represent basic profile information, including name, family_name, given_name and preferred_username,
emailReturns the email claim, which contains the user's email address.
phoneReturns the phone_number of the user. Not many AAF IdPs will return this value
auedupersonReturns the users au_edu_person_shared_token value


Returns the users eduperson_affiliation value
eduperson_assuranceReturns the users eduperson_assurance  value
eduperson_orcidReturns the users eduperson_orcid  value
eduperson_principal_nameReturns the users eduperson_principal_name  value
eduperson_scoped_affiliationReturns the users eduperson_scoped_affiliation  value
schac_home_organizationReturns the users schac_home_organization value

Note: a claim for a user will only be provided if their home organisation provides the specific attribute. For example most universities will NOT provide phone numbers for their users.


Before registering an OIDC service, service admin must have sufficient experience in undertaking OIDC integration work to create their own Relying Party (RP) components with minimal help from the AAF technical team. There are several open-source libraries which implement most of the RP requirements in several languages, GitHub is an excellent resource, as is the OpenID Foundation. The AAF does not offer support or advice in this area, and the choice depends on the subscriber’s strengths and existing knowledge of OIDC integration. 

The AAF OP satisfies the OIDC conformance testing framework and passes the Authorization Code flow. The AAF monitors the OP during business hours and responds to service interruption issues promptly.


To register a new OIDC RP please visit:

AAF Production environment

AAF Test environment

and select the Register a New Service. The following information is required:

  1. Client Name - a descriptive name for the service.
  2. Description -a meaningful description to help users of this service understand its purpose 
  3. Organisation - responsible for the operation of the service, must be an AAF subscriber.
  4. Redirect URL - The endpoint which will receive the OIDC responses from AAF. Additional redirect URIs can be added after registration via the client details page.

Click the Resister Service to complete the registration step.

Next you will be provided the Client ID and Secret used by your RP service that is generated during the registration process.

Note: You only have one opportunity to copy the Secret, it cannot be recovered later. You can however generate a new secret later.


Verify the details are correct, then hit the Active button.

  • In the test federation your service will be available to use immediately
  • In production, the service MUST be approved by your organisation and the AAF before it will be available for use.

Skipping AAF Discovery Service

AAF's implementation of OpenID Connect allows service admins to configure their service to skip discovery service and login directly through a specified IdP.

Getting started

Find the entityID of the IdP that you wish to directly login through. This can be done by looking through the AAF metadata or your own registrations.

- Test Metadata:

- Production Metadata:

For Example, the AAF Virtual Home:

Sending the request

To enable SkipDS you'll need to be able to add `extra authorization params`  to the initial request to the authorisation endpoint. If you are unable to do so, currently you cannot enable skipDS for your service. (Note: we are working on a solution for this).

Add the new param `entityID=<idp-entityID>` where the entityID has been URL encoded.


GET /oidc/authorize?

This only affects the initial stage of the OIDC flow, it is possible to setup multiple `login` buttons with their own entityID set, allowing you to limit your service to as many or few IdPs as you want.

Openid Configuration

The AAF OIDC service supports querying the OP Configuration Information endpoint to retrieve the features and capabilities of the OIDC service. The AAF OP provides two endpoints, one for Production Federation and one for Test Federation, respectively:

Details for the Production Federation are here:

curl | jq

"issuer": "",
"authorization_endpoint": "",
"token_endpoint": "",
"jwks_uri": "",
"id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [
"subject_types_supported": [
"response_types_supported": [
"scopes_supported": [
"userinfo_endpoint": "",
"claim_types_supported": [
"claims_supported": [],
"claims_locales_supported": [
"claims_parameter_supported": false,
"display_values_supported": [
"grant_types_supported": [
"op_policy_uri": "",
"op_tos_uri": "",
"request_parameter_supported": false,
"request_uri_parameter_supported": false,
"require_request_uri_registration": true,
"response_modes_supported": [
"service_documentation": "",
"token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": [
"ui_locales_supported": [
"userinfo_signing_alg_values_supported": [