Your organisation is responsible for complying with the AAF Federation Rules and you need to be aware of the rules and the responsibilities that apply to your organisation.

Organisation’s must assert compliance against the AAF Federations Rules for each service it operates in the federation.

How do I find the services registered for my organisation?

AAF offers several options to connect your service to the federation technically. Each method has its strengths and weaknesses, but the choice will really depend on the type of application.


Type of services 

  1. SAML -  use SAML protocols which are implemented using Shibboleth or SimpleSAMLphp as open source options.
  2. Rapid Connect - uses JSON Web tokens to provide authentication
  3. OIDC- provides an OpenID Connect bridge to the federation IdPs, officially the service is called ‘AAF Central’.


To find your services registered in the FM:

The Federation Manager (FM) is the tool that AAF use to manage all the services registered in the federation. 

AAF members can log in and access the services via the FM dashboard.   

  1. Navigate to Federation Manager
  2. Login via your home organisation’s Identity Provider or AAF Virtual home
  3. Once logged in, select the Organisation that you have administrative privileges for.
  4. Select the Identity Providers or the Service Providers tab to see the services registered under your organisation.

Example: Dashboard of an Organisation’s view



To update the technical contacts in the Federation Manager, see the knowledgebase article on how to update the technical contacts   

If you don’t have credentials or administrative control of your organisation or service in the Federation Manager, contact the AAF Support Team [email protected] to resolve the access issue. 

